Monday, October 07, 2013

Case Study: Guns vs. Healthcare in Maryland

Just a quick comparison of public reactions to public policy in a somewhat controlled experiment.  Of course, with the caveat that this is not social science, nor is it an apples to apples comparison.  But it is damn near close enough for you, dear readers, to form an opinion.  In the state of Maryland, in four days (or maybe less, they don't say) a mere 329 people have signed up for ObamaCare.  Mind you, Maryland is one of the most liberal states in the country.  That's 82 people per day, if indeed was open for business last week.

Let's compare that to 15,000 applications for a permit to purchase a firearm in Maryland over a 10 day period, the 10 day period before a new gun control law went into effect.  And those are just the procrastinators - 117,000 applications to purchase guns have been submitted this year alone, more than in 2011 and 2012 combined.  Let me repeat, Marylanders are looking to buy more guns in the first nine months of 2013 than in the previous two years combined.  That means that Marylanders were seeking to buy guns at a rate of 430 per day at the mere thought of a new gun control law taking effect and have ramped that up to 1,500 per day in anticipation of the law taking effect.  On Wall St. they say "buy on the rumor, sell on the fact."  Well, Marylanders have changed that to "buy on the rumor, buy like crazy on the fact."

ObamaCare has been anticipated like no other law, it is the greatest expansion of the entitlement state since Medicare and Medicaid, and has been promoted by a President with unequaled media exposure in the history of the republic.  There is no reasonable argument that one law was promoted better or worse than the other, in fact, one law had three years to build momentum from passage to implementation, the other law had less than nine months to take shape from kernel to reality.

What is to be said?  A lot.  And of course, I must make the de rigueur observation that Obama is a far better gun salesman than healthcare salesman - which is not a particularly trenchant contribution but I make it nonetheless because I know that it makes liberals' heads explode.  Their messiah, their Lightworker, has done far more to make America an individually armed nation than to make it anything close to what inspired progressive wet dreams back in 2008.  Suck it lefties, way more guns, way less anything that you wanted.  Deal with it.

A slightly more analytical view might seriously examine why Americans are slow to buy what they were told was valuable but out of reach - health insurance - and thus worthy of subsidies, but are quick to buy what they have been told is dreadful and thus has been made more difficult to obtain - firearms.

As a final point, prior to ObamaCare, the average health insurance plan across the country was under $200 per month and 30% of the "uninsured" made over $50,000.   Maryland is the richest state by per capita income and yet supposedly had 600,000 uninsured.  A basic, no nonsense firearm will set you back $300-400, an evil black AR-15 will set you back closer to $1000.   The numbers tell an unambiguous story: with equal knowledge about impending laws and despite the advantage of a government subsidy, even residents of overwhelmingly liberal Maryland are clamoring for guns over healthcare insurance.

You heard it here first folks, ObamaCare will collapse of its own accord.


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