Thursday, September 12, 2013

Obama IS Living Up to Potential

Simply amazing the conga line of MSM liberals now getting hip to Obama's ineptitude - Klein, Dowd, Fournier, etc.

Still, even the harshest of these laments and criticisms betray a bit of surprise.  These once (and likely still) Obama-euphoric commentators seem to be puzzled as to how this most brilliant of statesman, this most thoughtful and intellectual thinker/philosopher leader went off the rails and messed up against all likelihood. 

Let me break to all these astonished libs, this is not Obama faltering, this is Obama achieving the very potential that he was capable of achieving, which was always, from the very start, going to be exactly bupkiss.

Let me remind readers of what I wrote way back when.
He says that the Obama magic has faded. That's most likely true, but that is not the big story in my opionion. The big story is that anybody thought for a moment that it wouldn't fade. That anybody expected even the most basic level of governance from Obama, let alone monumental and transformative things, is the story of greatest import here. And it is not that the hope, dreams and expectations placed into the Obama vessel were so grand, it is that the vessel that is Obama is so small. I have said it before - in November of '08 I said we bought ourselves a pig in a poke...

 disappointment and pain is what we deserve given that we elected a man of no consequence and no achievement to the highest office in the land. Why we expected a man with no discernable track record or proven record of leadership to lead and to achieve in the name of this massive and complex society is a story of historical proportions. Did we think that plucking just any man off the street - essentially what we did - to wield enormous power was wise? And a young man to boot. And a man who never held a job at a profit-making organization. Why did we think that the wisdom acquired over a long life and the first hand knowledge of commerce gained by private sector work somehow weren't relevant anymore? Why did we think that - after over 200 years of electing (with a few exceptions) staid, boring, but presumably wise, adults, who could draw to them the counsel and assistance of many more wise, older adults - we needed a rock star of relative adolescence? Why did we think that a man with no knowledge of the private sector would lead a mostly private sector nation out of a severe economic slump? Why did we think that a man who consorted with raving America-haters would inspire a mostly proud and patriotic nation to excellence? Why did we think that a man who views our role in the world as flawed would draw our allies nearer to us? Why did we think these things?
Why indeed. 


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