Thursday, July 15, 2010

Greenspan Gives Socialists Intellectual Cover

I'm just seeing across the wires here (no link) that Alan Greenspan says that lawmaker's should let the Bush tax cuts lapse. Simply astounding, what is he thinking. Even though just a few short months ago Greenspan, and his Randian free market capitalism, was the root of all evil and the cause of all of our problems, Democrats will surely rehabilitate the Maestro in a nanosecond in order to use him as intellectual cover to raise our taxes. Of course the Maestro will be cited selectively, e.g. this probably won't get much play from Democrats.

Oh, just a reminder what Nobelist Robert Mundell says about letting those tax cuts lapse...nose dive.


Blogger Richard said...

To borrow from John LeCarre, Greenspan's ass must look like a waffle-iron for all the fence-sitting he's done.

In his interview with Maria last week, he rightly noted that it was GSE's filling up on "open market purchases" of sub-prime MBSs that actually caused the collapse, and those purchases were the result of federal housing policy dating back to the Clinton era. Andy Cuomo, who helped cause it, is now suing Wall Street firms for making the market that he ordered.

3:57 PM  

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