Monday, July 12, 2010

Tripling Down on Stupid

The courts gave them two chances to get out of their bad trade - marginal gain in safety for large negative economic impact - but the Obama administration is tripling down on this policy. You'd think that this administration would need every last job intact going into mid-term elections, but you'd be wrong. You'd also think that they would not want to foist higher gas prices onto the economy (higher gas prices would crimp already fragile consumer spending), but there again you'd be wrong. I still can't figure out why they are doing this: 1) idealogy, they want to shut down the offshore exploration business, 2) ignorance, they don't understand the long term damage that this moratorium is doing, or 3) X factor, some super-sophisticated, non-obvios, Ivy League thinking that I haven't thought of. Every day that I cogitate over this, I can't help but come back to (1) over and over. Truly dangerous and reprehensible these people are - tens of thousands could be put out of work, gas prices will rise hurting the economy and putting millions of families back into financial distress, and we will be more dependent on foreign oil than at any time in our history.

UPDATE: Another rig gone. I would say that President Obama better not show his face on the Gulf coast if this keeps up. He won't be very welcome.


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