Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Obama Running Hamilton's Six Point Plan????

Uh oh.

This is how Obama rolls.  Crisis helps him.

Fresh reminder. Alexander Hamilton, who was accused of wanting to bring back tyranny, knew the actual recipe for bringing tyranny...

For Hamilton, who knew the real path to tyranny, this was almost funny. Had he wanted to impose monarchy upon America he said he "...would mount the hobbyhorse of popularity, I would cry out usurpation, danger to liberty etc. etc. I would endeavor to prostrate the national government, raise a ferment, and then ride in the whirlwind and direct the storm."
1) mount the hobbyhorse of popularity = "taking on the big banks", "healthcare for all", etc.

2) cry out usurpation = Republicans are hostage-takers, holding us up for ransom

3) danger to liberty = NSA spying is essential

4) prostrate the national government = 57% increase in debt in just five years

5) raise a ferment = Obama warns of default

6) ride in the whirlwind and direct the storm = ...???


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