Monday, November 05, 2012

Deep Blue Has the Blues

This anecdotage post over at Instapundit is both hilarious and encouraging. 

Was away from Colorado for three weeks. Yesterday while wearing my Romney cap, I had these experiences.
1) One of my yoga instructors told me she loved my cap.
2)Went to Floyds for a haircut…home of the multiple tramp stamp barbers…young girl cutting my hair said she loved my hat. Said most the employees were voting for Romney and that they are mostly young mothers.
3) Went to the yoga clothing store. TWO employees, both blond, young, beautiful, fit, said they loved my hat and couldn’t wait to vote for Romney. That they would say that at this store was a revelation.
If Obama has lost the yoga vote, it is over.
I had been thinking of doing some anecdotage posting from my neck of the woods.  Of course, I did post this, but I also hobnob with a few creative types here in Bloomberg's Big Nanny State Former Known As the City That Never Sleeps.  So what am I seeing.  Very few garish pro-Obama displays, almost no Obama stickers or buttons.  That would be no big deal in Texas but this is New York baby.  Lack of Dear Leader's visage speaks volumes.  And the few conversations I have about politics with '08 Obama voters confirms this.  NYers are generally pessimistic about the election.  First, they think Romney will win. Second, they think less of Obama and even if he does win, they aren't all that excited about what a second term will bring.  As mindlessly progressive a town as New York is, it is still a business town, and most people realize that Obama is seriously bad for business, not in a cyclical, we-gotta-get-through-it kinda way, but in a will-it-ever-get-better-under-Obama kinda way?


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