Sunday, November 04, 2012

Dante Never Accounted for Bill Maher

I never thought that Bill Maher could have surpassed his previous record-setting standards in dickheadedness, son-of-a-bitchery and overall shitbagitude, but alas...

"If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you" (video follows with commentary):
Where to start?  This is loathsome on so many levels.  First, I thought Shitbag Bill was supposed to be funny.  This isn't funny.  Violent home invasion does not elicit the yuk-yuks.  Second, how racist is infantilizing blacks?  Blacks are so out of control emotionally, intellectually, and civically that they will seek to do violence when their preferred politician fails to win high office?  Really?  Is that Shitbag Bill's view of these people?  Third, threats of illegal physical violence based on voting outcomes, sounds alot like voter intimidation which is illegal.  Wait, physical violence period sounds pretty darned illegal.  

Of course, this is all very rational, which may not be the best way to deal with the Shitbag Bills of the world.  Another response to Shitbag Bill, might be "Fine, bring it on Bill.  You and all your civically degenerate friends.  This vote and this house protected by Smith & Wesson or some such.  Come feel the bitterness of my clinging."

There is a special place in hell that Dante didn't even contemplate for people like Shitbag Bill. 


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