Thursday, September 13, 2012

Great Minds Think Alike, Steve Heyward Edition

Last month it was the Paul Rahe edition, this month it is the Steve Hayward edition of "Great Minds Think Alike."  Hayward channels an analysis of recent events through the prism of Nassim Taleb's "Black Swan" and also notes the laughable dangerous ground of PC on which he treads.
Everyone is by now familiar with Nassim Taleb’s idea of low probability, high impact “black swan” events that come seemingly out of nowhere to disrupt the world as we know it.  The events of the last 48 hours look like they might be Obama’s black swan, except that we can’t say “black swan” and “Obama” in the same sentence because that would be, you know. . . racist or something.
Much like I did way back when

Obama is a Black Swan

Gosh I know that will draw howls of racism but I am talking about a Talebian Black Swan. (If you don't get the reference, then get off my website.)
 Although the point I made and that Hayward makes are different.  My point was how many on the world stage forty years ago would have predicted the utter flakiness and feckless that America would sink to, which is manifested in our selection of Barack H. Obama as POTUS.
It is not the deficits. It is not the foreign policy fecklessness. It is not the socialism. It is not the despoliation of creditors' rights (Chrysler!). It is not the invitation to non-taxpaying Maoists into the halls of power. It is...alas...that the US is now...flakey. We are an international airhead. A ditz on the global stage. This is however not "Obama's fault" as in the fault of Barack H. Obama the man. It is however the fault of Obama, the phenomenon. The loss of America's reliability and steadiness on the world stage is culminated in Obama. He's doing it but he is merely our vessel and the fact that he is there, doing this to our nation and our nation's standing is more a reflection on us than on him.
Hayward's point touches on the question of the day (and likely a question for the ages): how can the utter debacle of a fiasco that is the Obama administration not be way way behind in the polls let alone leading them?  It is a mystery for the ages indeed.  Given the destruction he has wrought on the fabric of American economic life, the assaults on the rule of law and to liberty, and the irresponsible fecklessness of his foreign policy, he should be trailing the love child of Donald Duck and Josef Stalin by double digits.  Alas, he isn't. 

Does the world have to be in full-blown conflagration to dent this teflon-clad loser?  Can only a "Black Swan" event sink the Lightworker?  Apparently so, and even then maybe not, but at least we'll get to see as the Middle East erupts in Islam-inspired America Hatred, Chicago's schools remain closed at the hands of their greedy Marxist overpaid subpar teachers, and the economy sputters leaving people out of work and earning less. 


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