Thursday, September 06, 2012

Tonight's Theme?

So what will tonight's theme be?

- "Yes We Can...If Given Eight Years...Maybe"

- "Can I Get a Mulligan?"

- "Mitt Romney, who true conservatives think is a total squish and poseur, is really a Nazi and will take us back to the days of racial beatings and will unleash oppression like you've never seen."

- "If McCain had been elected, conceivably the debt might have risen to $17 trillion, so really I cut the debt!"

- "You didn't build that, but I single-handedly transformed America in such awesome ways I can't even begin to tell you."

- "Vlad Putin wants me to win."

- "bin Laden is dead after Hillary made me and Valerie Jarrett agree to give the order, and GM is alive thanks to $25 billion of your money and after I screwed over their bondholders."

Further suggestions welcome...


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