Thursday, September 06, 2012

Another Liz "Sitting Bullsh*t" Warren Lie?

Has Paul Rahe caught Elizabeth Warren in ANOTHER lie?

Tonight, at a moment when I had finished something that I was working on, I took a moment to look up Warren on Wikipedia, and here is what I found: 
She was born Elizabeth Herring[1] on June 22, 1949,[2] in Oklahoma CityOklahoma, to working classparents  . . . 
At Northwest Classen High School, she was named "Oklahoma's top high-school debater". She received a debate-team scholarship to George Washington University at the age of 16. 
Now, as it happens, I was born almost exactly six months before Fauxcahontas, and, yes, I attended Northwest Classen High School -- from which I graduated in 1967, the year after Elizabeth Warren is said to have graduated (and did so if, indeed, she was awarded a scholarship to George Washington University when she was 16). 
Even more to the point, I was a debater at Northwest Classen, and I went to every meet where we fielded a team when I was a sophomore, a junior, and a senior. 
But I do not remember an Elizabeth Herring -- although I found her in the 1966 year book, where she is listed as vice-president of the National Forensic League. But there is nothing in the yearbook about her being named "Oklahoma's top high-school debater," and it is very odd, indeed, that I remember nothing at all about that. 
I do not remember everything and everyone, but I do remember the debaters. They were the people I hung out with -- especially when I was a sophomore and a junior. Moreover, had one in our number been named "Oklahoma's top high-school debater," I would surely remember the person and the fact. 
Someone should do a bit of investigative work. It is conceivable that Elizabeth Herring was a great star when I was a junior and that I have forgotten her. But I would not be surprised to learn that Ms. Warren has lied about things other than her supposed Cherokee heritage. 
Was she named "Oklahoma's top high-school debater?" And, if so, by whom?


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