Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is Obama Cooked...from the Inside?

Ya' know, people are starting to wonder what gives with all the Twilight Zonish behavior of our President, especially given that he is the smartest President ever and a Lightworker and all. Here is but one small example (OK here is another). As always, welcome to the party fellas and since you are beginning to wonder where all this crazy comes from, I'll tell you. Obama has been told it's over. He will not be given the keys to the Democratic Party's future and be allowed to own the vast apparatus of the party's traditional assets for decades to come as an all-conquering two term President. His presidency is in caretaker mode. No, not as Peter Beinart posits in his latest nitwittery, where Obama is the caretaker of a declining America, but rather where the Clintonites are the caretakers of a declining Obama. I've gone through all of this before, and recently too.

I know. You're asking, "Wait. DB, you can't be suggesting that the Clintonites will sacrifice another four years of Democratic control of the White House, just to phase Obama out, can you? Yes, that is precisely what I am suggesting. First, if Obama wins another term it'll probably be accompanied by Republican gains in Congress and incumbency for many is a worse problem to have in the future than incumbency for one. Frankly, I think the Dems would rather run congressional candidates against a President Romney or President Perry rather than in tandem with an Obama second term - the American people seem pretty clear that they want Dear Leader in check. Second, I think the Dems are hurting to get back in with the business community and get their donations flowing again. IMHO the cash is not likely flowing very strongly from business to the Dems and that is where the money is. Finally, I think that in foreign policy Obama is even too feckless for many establishment Dems. While Democrats certainly hate wars of our choosing, I think many establishment Dems fear wars not of our choosing just as much. It is likely that mainstream Democratic foreigin policy establishment types think that Obama's buffoonery could stumble the nation into a war not of our choosing. So yes, I do think that the Clintonites have hung Obama out to dry or at least are not giving his administration their level best. Doesn't it show?


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