Monday, August 08, 2011

Liberals Pining for Hillary

All the talk about primarying Obama has made my predictions for 2011 all the more prescient, as is all the new lefty pining away for Hillary, as evidenced by this. I predicted Hillary's resurgence too. Still, it is kind of bizarre, Hillary would have been no different in my opinion. The same people who would have run her presidency are basically now running Obama's (there's a conspiracy theory in there somewhere). Read Bryan Preston's commentary about the all the liberal teeth-gnashing. He's dead on, it is the ideas of liberalism or modern progressivism, or whatever the hell they call it these days, that are the problem. In fact, it is not just their ideas that are the problem, it is their approach to life. Obama represents style over substance, and to a lesser degree so does Hillary, and liberals elevated him to deity status. Liberals have shown us again and again that they actually believe in style over substance. They believe that nice sounding and nice looking should be decisive over actual depth and understanding. I do not believe that liberal disappointment in Obama is rooted in any true reflective understanding of his failures, it is more akin to them being stuck wearing yesterday's cool clothes while what is in fashion has moved on.

Ironically, Hugh Carey died this weekend, a Democrat who proclaimed that the "days of wine and roses" were over. The Hugh Carey of that age is politically closer to today's Tea Party than to your typical Democrat in 2011.


Blogger Drang said...

Pining for Hillary, or the fjords...?

9:40 PM  
Blogger Donny Baseball said...

Hillary a Norwegian Blue??

10:03 AM  

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