Thursday, August 04, 2011

The "Mittness Protection Program" Critique Is Dumb

This modestly clever locution is meant to lambaste the Republican front-runner for remaining silent on the issues of the day. This critique doesn't really get it, does it? When your opposition is in the process of destroying itself, you don't get in the way, you let it happen. Obama and the forever-expanding-entitlement-state Democrats are in the process of destroying themselves in a maelstrom of economic haplessness (unfortunately we are along for the ride). Why on earth should Mitt Romney bum rush center stage when the climactic scene of the farcical economic policy of the Obama/Pelosicrats is playing out so distressingly there?

"But isn't he concerned for the country?" the critics ask. Yeah, but so what? I assume Gov. Romney has deep reservoirs of concern for the country, but until January 2013 potentially, it doesn't do us a damn bit of good - do you think Barack Obama or Harry Reid gives a rat's tookus what Mitt Romney (or anyone else for that matter) has to offer right now? The time to make the positive case for himself is not now, let the negative case against Obama mature and ripen, and while hope and change rots on the vine spend time doing the legwork (money, endorsements, ground game) now for a strong campaign later when Americans are truly ready for face time with the candidate.


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