Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Why the Tea Party Is Skeptical - We've Been Burned Before

Hey, I'm a Tea Partying kinda guy but I am also politically savvy, I know how the game is played, so I am with Krauthammer - the Tea Party has to play the long game and the House caucus needs to get behind Boehner...but but but...Boehner would have a ton more credibility if his bills didn't get scored so awfully by the CBO.

I mean, is it so much to ask for a conservative leader of the brand spanking new conservative movement in government to propose a spending-cutting bill that actually gets scored as cutting the amount of spending that he's promising? I mean really, the total numbers aren't that important, we just want to know that the spending cuts are real. How much confidence can we have in Boehner when he throws up a bill with a putative $1 trillion dollar of cuts that is really a $850 billion bill? This shit should be easy - cut what you say you're gonna fucking cut and let it be done. Negotiating with the asshat Democrats is one thing, but get your own fucking bills right. What the Tea Party is most vigilant against is typical Washington bullshit, i.e. a $1 trillion dollar cut that courtesy of DC gimmicks is nothing of the sort. We're not extremists, we just want Washington to act like normal Americans - a cut should be a cut, a trillion should equal a trillion - instead of feeding us this typical elitist bullshit. How hard should it be for Boehner to propose a spending cut that is an actual, real, believable dollar for dollar spending cut? I'm all for compromising given political realities but how fucking hard should it be?


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