Monday, August 15, 2011

Valliere: Brian Wesbury Is a Know-Nothing

I see Greg Valliere on CNBC often enough and he's always struck me as more sensible than not, more measured than not, if not anything special. He delivers no real insight, but he can convey the conventional wisdom clearly and effectively. Nothing I have observed of him would indicate that he would spout off a bunch of political bile and rail ignorantly, yet arrogantly, on matters economic. But in this column for CNBC he sounds like Krugman or some other such shrillmeister. "Where did they study economics?" he bellows in a lather. I don't know, ask Brian Wesbury where he studied his economics, probably just as good a place as you Greg. Tea Party types were encouraged by the sound economic reasoning and clear argumentation of guys like Brian. Or ask these 150 economists. Valliere now merits the mute button.


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