Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Shocker: Big Oil Company Is Allowed to Drill, Finds Alot of Oil

Truly a shocking development announced today - ExxonMobil has discovered a large 700 million barrel (this estimate will increase as well) oil find. This shocking, naturally, because we all know that there is no more oil out there left to find. Of course in addition, we all know that even what little oil is left to find is located in such remote, difficult and sensitive areas that it is not worth exploring for and developing; and sure enough Exxon's big find is in a very remote body of water known by locals as the Gulf of Mexico, not far from an obscure outpost town known as New Orleans.

Another interesting tidbit about this large oil discovery, it was Exxon's first post-moratorium drilled well and comes just weeks after permitting was finally allowed again after the Obama administration suffered several legal drubbings and cracked under intense economic pressure. In other words, without Obama's terrible, misguided anti-drilling policy we could have been celebrating this discovery over a year ago.

UPDATE: We sure could have used that year...


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