Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Qaddafi Has Won

It's all over but the crying (and retribution killings). The world failed these brave rebels and now most all of them will be killed. Unfortunately, the leader of the free world, the Lightworker, was tied up applying his precious "smartest President ever" brain cells to keeping the US economy roaring ahead, keeping food and energy costs low, providing critical leadership to the precarious fiscal situations exploding across America, and soothing the heightening tensions among Americans that is resulting from degenerating civil discourse.

UPDATE: ...I left out "inspiring Americans to seek higher purpose and in the process find a deeper sense of our own humanity."

UPPDATE: Ouch and Double Ouch. I told you, the bad guys took the measure of Obama last year, and now they are cutting the cloth...

UPPPDATE: Simply unbelievable. All these rebels will be dead in short order, by the time we lace up our boots, there won't be any rebels to help. In this game, making the right decision too late is more embarassingly tragic than having made the wrong decision and sticking to it. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic. Now we are seeing the consequences of America's Great Brain Fart and it ain't pretty.


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