Monday, March 14, 2011

Unions vs. Greens

Remember I told you of an alliance that will pit two of the Democratic Party's main constituencies against one another? Don't remember? Here it is. And here is the battle hitting the front pages. I said at the time that jobs trump tree-hugging every time. Well, that was before Barack Obama proved himself to be either completely out to lunch or so coldly, irrationally idealogical as to not give a skinking iota about jobs, something which every President - and every politician - has heretofore, justifiably, made a priority. I made this statement thinking that the grass would remain green, the sky remain blue and cats would not sleep with dogs. Alas, all givens are out the window in the era of Obama. This President is happy to screw the Louisiana economy and its tens of thousands of jobs if we can shut down the oil industry (illegally mind you), and happy to unleash the EPA to impose an onslught of new job killing regulation when the economy is muddling along with (an understated but official) 9% unemployment rate. Jobs mean nothing. This guy has such a delusionally high opinion of himself that he is willing to challenge the fundamental gravitational forces of American politics, squashing the employment opportunities of thousands of Americans to pursue the false gods of liberal politics.


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