Friday, March 11, 2011

An American Response for Japan

Japan needs our help. Witnessing the unimaginable devastation brought by the tsunami, it is obvious that our friends in Japan need America's singular talents to help them recover and rebuild. So let's resolve to commit ourselves to providing the people of Japan the best disaster recovery resources that America can muster - environmental bureaucrats that will keep people from reclaiming their lives due to unacceptable concentrations of potentially hazardous air-borne materials, trial lawyers to help victims sue greedy corporations who profiteered by building housing that was not tsunami-proof, community activists to slow the rebuilding while they agitate for more "public space", stifling governmental processes to keep building from moving forward for years, unions goons, mobsters and corrupt bureaucrats to sap rebuilding resources through waste and fraud, and infighting politicians.

I understand the reluctance to share America's best resources when our own country is hardly experiencing the best of times, but we need to maintain perspective. Our friends in Japan have it far worse than us right now, their needs are just so much greater, and we owe it to them share the expertise that we've built up over so many years. Now is our time to do with a little less of our own precious ability to snap back from a catatrophic setback and be truly selfless. With any luck and by the grace of God, if we help our Japanese brothers and sisters with a true 21st century American response, in 10, 20 or 30 years the northeast coast of Japan might just show some signs of a return to normal life.


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