Friday, March 11, 2011

Lies, Lies, Lies Yeah Yeah

Two piles of steaming shit from Dear Leader today:
1) We're producing lots of oil. Horsepucky. His administration has a strangle hold on drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico and major work has stopped. Nobody who knows what they are talking about would buy this bullshit.
2) We "tightening the noose on Ghaddafi." Really? How? No aid. No military efforts. No nothing but a few press conferences. Avowed reluctance unless others go first direct from the Sec. of State's mouth. Some f***ing noose.

UPDATE: Just remember we are tightening the noose. If I am ever so unfortunate to have a noose tightened around my neck, I sure hope that Barack Obama is doing the tightening. It'll probably feel like wearing a turtleneck.


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