Friday, March 18, 2011

Poll Data a Cold Shower

This makes some sense to me. Frankly, I've been a little flummoxed - not too flummoxed, it is the MSM after all - over the far too frequent expressions of conventional wisdom that Obama will win re-election in a walk. The man is so appallingly, awfully, and disastrously appalling, awful and disastrous that it is hard for me to believe that he can have an easy time of it in 2012. And yes, I understand the power of incumbancy, but the evidence that has been mounting in favor of putting the Obama experiment behind us is overwhelming and growing everyday, and the arguments for the conventional wisdom are extraordinarily weak. Just as an example, one line of thinking actually held that Obama's dreadful SOTU address where he punted on our nation's fiscal crisis was a clear sign that he'll win. Huh? How does abdication of leadership signal strength? Hell, even Charles Krauthammer fell into this ridiculous camp for a second or two. Even if you bought into this centrist comeback line, which I did not, Obama has since ladelled on the incompetence, smugness, and head-scratching amateurishness so thick in the last few weeks that no amount of cheery rebound optimism could possibly suvive. It is hard for me to conceive that anybody who is paying attention can come to the determination that Dear Leader is up to the job. That may not disuade all people from voting for him, but it will disuade many. Then there is the raw coalition politics of 2008, which gone, over, and done with. Then there is the liberal/progressive disillusionment combined with conservative/libertarian enthusiasm for stopping progressivism's momentum. And he's got a personnel problem and, let's call it a landlord problem. Finally, there is the economy. No amount of carping, which I and others have amply done, can express the abysmally malign influence of the Pelosi-Reid-Obama nexus on the US economy. Although stronger than it was during the worst of the panic of 2008 and resultant recession, the economy is far from stronger, and worse, it doesn't feel strong where it counts, to average people. Finally a weak Republican field (which isn't truly weak, just comparatively unexciting and uncertain) doesn't mean a strong Obama, it just means an Obama with one less challenge, that of a formidable opponent.


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