Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Shock Doctrine Indeed

Wannabe economist and anti-globalization zealot Naomi Klein has written a successful book claiming that free market capitalism is incredibly unpopular and only gets advanced by being rammed down people's throats in a crisis. The theory is pretty laughable, but every cockamamie theory needs to rebutted seriously as a matter of intellectual integrity. Here is the best one I've found (watch the video), although there is this too. Of course, any serious student of history knows that it is economic shocks that bring about increased central control of the economy. Nobody disputes that the Great Depression accelerated the world's gravitation toward socialism in general, and that Germany's inter-war economic dislocations gave rise to National Socialism. These are but history's most prominent examples. True to form, openly socialist Senator Bernie Sanders plays the same role that collectivists and utopians throughout history have played, seeing in a crisis the opportunity to seize economic power from individuals and garner it for the state.


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