Thursday, September 25, 2008


Don Luskin notices one of those, er, mere coincidences involving the New York Times.

Russia is so nervous about the direction of energy prices, they are simply trying to bull rush their way into more price manipulation ability. Russia continues to believe that it is a strong and powerful country despite the fact that its economy is the size of New Jersey's, and shrinking to boot.

Green-obsessed Britain says no to nukes and no to coal and are looking at perhaps another 'no' this winter. No heat that is.

New York City Psychological Health Update: It is deteriorating rapidly. NYCers can't seem to cope with the thought of Sarah Palin. She comes at a terrible time when the city's main industry is getting decimated (wiped out like Lehman, or sent to Charlotte like Merrill...Charlotte, egads!!). And now we have the Mets slip-slidin' away a-hey-hey-ay. The silver lining though, is that the shrinks are doing great.


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