Monday, April 30, 2007

As Your PR Agent, I Advise Ripping Off Someone Else's Orwellian Slogan

Internet content providers cleverly employed the term "net neutrality" in their campaign to lobby the government to be anything but neutral in its regulation of the telecommunications industry. The Orwellian tactic has been so successful that it is being ripped off by all manner of groups looking to grab a little economic rent from the Great Sausage Factory. The National Renderers Association ("The Other NRA") has be flogging the slogan, sorry carrying the message of "feedstock neutrality" for biofuels tax incentives. From the April issue of Render magazine: "One can't help but wonder where everyone was hiding during the last three years as NRA battled to get a fair shake on animal-based biodiesel tax incentives."

Got that? An alternative phrasing of that sentiment might go like this..."One can't but help wonder why our elected officials weren't doing what they aren't supposed to do under the US constitution by creating an artificial advantage for our industry in response to our persistent economic rent-seeking"


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