Monday, April 30, 2007

2015 Slogan: "Switch to Efficient, Clean-Burning Coal ..."

Instapundit points to this, and notes the benefit that coal doesn't come from Venezuela or Saudi Arabia. Alas he notes the drawback that coal is filthy. Yes, but one thing is certain, we are a helluva' alot closer, technologically, to "clean coal" than we are to "cellulosic ethanol". Like I've said over and over, the most sensible use of our time and resources is to make the fuels we already use much cleaner rather than demonize them while seeking pipe dream replacements. Now only if we could outbid the mullahs in Tehran for this wizbang clean-burning technology.

Addendum: Of course the enviromentalists will hate coal no matter how clean it gets, because you still have to mine the stuff.


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