The Buffalo Bills' throwback Unis are Fantastic

I love 'em (not the Bills, the unis). I was thrilled when my G-men ditched the bland "GIANTS" for the stylized "ny" of old (along with putting players' numbers on the front side too). Aside from warming the hearts of nostalgia buffs like me, resurrecting the uniforms and logos of old is a good business move - it usually boosts flagging purchases of team merchandise and it strengthens the connection to the team's past among current fans. The business logic generally means that managements only do this after a period in which the team has sucked, looking to create some buzz and business momentum. After all, it is a bad management move to change the look and feel of the product when it is successful and success leads to strong merchandise sales anyway, which is why we probably won't see this guy anytime soon. Pity.
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