Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Courts Whack Obama FCC Over Net Neutrality...Again

Many moons ago, I described how lefties were pushing for something called "net neutrality" which was nothing more than their typical collectivist urge molded into federal communications policy.

Obama's FCC lost once in the courts but persisted anyway using a quite dubious justification for imposing net neutrality, which is consistent with the whole tenor of the Obama administration, which is 'we will do it regardless of legal considerations, let alone prudential ones'.  Fred Barnes calls it "Democrats at ramming speed."

Well anyway, the courts have delivered yet another blow to net neutrality.
Verizon Communications Inc. won its challenge to U.S. open-Internet regulations as an appeals court ruled against the Federal Communications Commission, saying the agency’s restrictions have no basis in federal law.
The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington today sent the rules back to the FCC, which may attempt to rewrite the regulations that bar companies from slowing or blocking some Internet traffic.
The FCC is trying to regulate Verizon and other companies that supply broadband Internet service under a statute that doesn’t apply, according to Circuit Judge David Tatel, writing for a three-judge panel.
“Given that the commission has chosen to classify broadband providers in a manner that exempts them from treatment as common carriers, the Communications Act expressly prohibits the commission from nonetheless regulating them as such,” Tatel wrote.
He's a prediction - like the honey badger, the O administration don't care, they're gonna come back at this and continue to try to jam it on the industry.  Ramming speed...again! 

In all walks of life, this is what we have, at least for three more years.  Enjoy it, good and hard, America.


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