Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Do We Have Another Foundational Lie of the Obama Era?

It was obvious from the beginning, given the utter lameness of the "You Tube video" lie foisted on the public as the root cause of the attack on the US annex in Benghazi that resulted in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.  For smart and calculating people to come up with such a ham-handed whopper of an excuse was telling - they had something to hide at all costs. 

Since then, they've pulled out all the stops to keep the Benghazi scandal under wraps. But why?  Incompetence?  Who cares?  This administration is incompetent at nearly everything it does but that didn't stop it from getting re-elected.  The public has a very high tolerance for incompetence. To protect Hillary?  Maybe, but Hillary's run is several years off, people will forget.  The public has a very short memory.  So, both of these potential excuses has always been unsatisfying to me as reasons not to come clean and move on.

But now we have what might be the nugget behind the secrecy at all costs.
According to the Washington Post, U.S. officials suspect that a former Guantanamo Bay detainee played a role in the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi. The U.S. government is said to be planning to designate the group he leads as a foreign terrorist organization.
The terrorist and former Gitmo detainee in question is Abu Sufian bin Qumu, leader of Ansar al-Sharia in the Libyan city of Darnah. Witnesses reportedly have told American officials that Qumu’s men were in Benghazi before the attack on Sept. 11, 2012. And three American officials told the Post that these men participated in the attack.
A totem of the left and of the rise of Barack Obama was the notion that we were imprisoning people in Guantanamo Bay for no reason.  That it was an arbitrary and inhumane exercise in US arrogance and cruelty.   Never once did the left even consider the Bush administration logic that these were proven dangerous men and that if released they would simply go back to targeting Americans for attack.  The whole effort to regain power for the left, most notably in the person of Barack Obama, was grounded on accusations of bad faith in the extreme, and Guantanamo Bay was the symbol.  Everything that was wrong with the Bush administration, Republicans, and America in general was neatly summarized in the detention of those poor souls in Guantanamo.

And, if this story turns out to be true, it was all a lie, a machination to demonize the correct and judicious decisions of the Bush administration, which were motivated by American national security interests.  Lying about intelligent and principled decisions over important matters of national security for the sole purpose of shifting political power.  That borders on treason.  And yet that was the very foundation of the last five years in American governance.

Disgusting doesn't even come close.


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