Monday, January 06, 2014

Told You So: CleanTech Edition

I don't watch 60 Minutes anymore, but apparently they did a segment called The Cleantech Crash, highlighting the futility and boondoggleishness of government spending on alternative energy in an effort to combat putative global warming.  Steve at Powerline says that venture capitalist Vinod Khosla "comes in for some especially heavy weather."

I saw this coming a mile away.  Khosla came in for some heavy weather here at NBfPB back when no one was listening or cared.  Here and here too.
Long ago, when George W. Bush said "ethanol from wood chips and switchgrass", I said "God help us." I even said to beware of slick venture capitalists with Democratic ties, like Vinod Khosla, looking to grease their bets with taxpayer cash.
No one is still listening and no one still cares, but at least I get to say I told you so.


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