Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Richard Cohen and the Tea Party's Real Gag Reflex

In the course of whining he'd been slandered, Richard Cohen commits a slander.
“What I was doing was expressing not my own views but those of extreme right-wing Republican tea party people. I don’t have a problem with interracial marriage or same-sex marriage. In fact, I exult in them. It’s a slander”
As an aged WaPo columnist and a resident of New York City, Cohen would know a Tea Partier if it bit him on ass.  Once again now for the slow learners, the Tea Party is a movement centered on a political philosophy of smaller, constitutionally guided government and the reduced tax and debt burden that ought to go along with it.  It is in no way, shape or form a social policy movement in the direct sense, it seeks only to reduce the power of the government in order to preserve the liberty of the citizenry.

If you are so mentally convoluted that you equate more freedom with racism and you believe silliness like not paying for Sandra Fluke's birth control pills is anti-woman, then the problem is yours.  Don't take you mental stultification out on the Tea Party.

Tea Partiers are the nicest bunch of folks you'll ever meet.  Much nicer than the hate-filled progressive left or the arrogant urban elite left to which Cohen belongs.  If the Tea Party is inclined to revulsion and gag reflexes at all, it is at the elitist dickheads like Cohen who don't know what the f**k they're talking about and yet feel no compunction in hurling the worst kind of slanders at people who disagree with them politically.


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