Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Again: There Is No Compassion In a Collapsed System

Venezuela's health system is collapsing.  I noted a while back that Greece's health system was collapsing.

All this has an important point - all these systems were brought under government control in the name, at least nominally, of compassion.  (That was the ostensible reason, the reason more consistent with human nature is that advocates sought control and power for its own sake.)  But even if you buy the compassion line, how compassionate is it to build a system that is destined to fail catastrophically?  It's not compassionate in the least, it is in fact highly irresponsible, immoral even.

ObamaCare is showing all the signs of being an unstable and unworkable edifice.  The more unstable it truly is, the more uncompassionate it truly is.  With each passing day, the putative "compassion" supposedly inherent in ObamaCare is leaking away.

UPDATE:  And it is not just the healthcare system that has collapsed in Greece.  The entire social fabric looks like its in deep yogurt.  Hey, did somebody say that "statism always carries with it a fatal case of civic rot"?  Um, yes, someone did.


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