Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lefties: "Yes We Lied, But Eat This Sh*t Sandwich Anyway."

Jonah Goldberg goes full guns, as we ALL should, on the new lefty argument that conservatives and Republicans ought to just accept the giant shit sandwich that is ObamaCare.
The president and the Democrats lied us into a bad law. The right opposed the law on principle. A single party — the Democrats — own this law in a way that no party has had complete ownership of any major social legislation in a century. They bought this legislation with deceit and the GOP said so.   Now that it is going into effect, the facts on the ground are confirming that deceit. Moreover,  the same haughty condescending bureaucrats and politicians who told us they were smart enough and tech-savvy enough to do just about anything are being exposed as incompetent political hacks. And this is the moment when Sargent thinks the GOP should simply throw in the towel and work with the Democrats to make Obamacare bipartisan?
I find that puzzling.
ObamaCare sucks.  They knew it would suck (they designed it to suck).  That is why they had to lie about it.

UPDATE:  Here is Krauthammer explaining the "fatal conceit" of ObamaCare, and Ed M. notes below the clip how this couldn't be more of a classic example of why Hayek was right.  But liberals don't read Hayek and, as Yoda would say, "that is why you fail."


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