Friday, March 22, 2013

Watch Andy Cuomo's Approval Plummet in 3 minutes and 58 seconds

Original link here.

UPDATE:  This is rich.  Andy is now blaming the rather sloppily-written law on the anti-gun lobbyists who wrote it.  Wait...anti-gun lobbyists wrote the law...?  In any other profession, this what is known as fraud or malfeasance.  Also remember, this law was passed in the middle of the night under a "memo of necessity" bypassing the mandatory three day review.  So it was so crucial to pass, but crucial enough for the Governor or any legislator to read?  This is your government ladies and gentleman.  When the whole shooting match comes crashing down, we'll know why, and it'll be our fault for electing and then not monitoring these incompetent dickheads.


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