Monday, March 18, 2013

Philly Whites: Sometimes, Maybe, A Little Bit, Kinda...Blacks Are Not Really Super Awesome Neighbors

The (Black) Mayor's Response:  Get me the Human Rights Commission on the horn!

So, Philadelphia Magazine publishes an article that obliquely hints that whites in the CoBL are cowed into silence, or at least forced to walk on eggshells, regarding race and their communities, and what happens?  The black mayor calls for an investigation attempts to cow the magazine into silence...

The article is actually rather tame, it's not like it says anything so incendiary as, um, well, many of our largest cities, being majority black and black run, have been on the decline for decades are shitholes, and in many cases white-led gentrification has been in tension with shitholeification.  Now, THAT would be incendiary.  It's not about race, it's about governance.  Run the city well and you wouldn't see articles like this.


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