Thursday, March 14, 2013

Party of Ideas

Or more accurately, "you pay for our ideas."  The Powerline guys express this powerfully and succinctly:
"It simply demands more money from the taxpayers, and spends all that and more."
The state is insatiable.  Full. Stop.

The recent rhetoric from the likes of Infinite Money Bloomberg and No Debt Problem Obama should only serve to highlight to the bond market that there is not a shred of concern over the creditworthiness of the United States.  I can't think of more irresponsibly brazen examples of taunting the bond market and double dog daring the Bond Market Vigilantes to show up.  No doubt they've been reluctant to come in and "fight the Fed", but you can't look at our nation's budget trajectory and listen to the public statements of our political leaders and conclude anything other than that the US is headed past the point of no return fiscally speaking. 


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