Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Smart Liberals With Zero Wisdom

Ya' know, this has been nagging me.  This is just one of hundreds (it seems) critiques of what he calls "the Blue Model" that I have read over at Walter Russell Mead's fantastic blog.  It is not a stretch at all to say that no one has covered more extensively, more intelligently, more clearly, and more powerfully the utter failure of the "Blue Model" at all levels of government than WRM.  And yet the guy is a Democrat.  His choices, his type people, have heaped this stinking pile of dysfunction and unsustainability onto our backs and yet in all the time I've been reading him, he makes nary a mention of that, or of any regret or any personal reflection whatsoever that I can detect.  I hope I just missed it because reading these critiques without the inevitable conclusion (at least to me it ought to be inevitable) that ought to follow is starting to stir up typical feelings of frustration I have with that portion of the left that I can bear to hear out - they're all smarts but no wisdom.  How can they know their policy dreams lead to misery and yet not only still be committed to them, but wish to accelerate them?  They know our current fiscal behavior leads to Greece, and yet they still want to go there.


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