Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Can California Do Anything Right?

I've chronicled all this stuff before, but let's bring it all together to ask some basic questions.  The occasion is this article in Bloomberg, which has a strange naive "who knew?" quality to it.  The geniuses at Bloomberg News are just now catching on that public-sector union rapacity is destroying state solvency and that California is leading the nation into the fiscal abyss with a profligacy and insanity that is not to be believed, and that the result has been population out-migration.  Here's the Bberg headline:

$822,000 Worker Shows California Leads U.S. Pay Giveaway

Then there is the $100 million loan that will cost a school district $1 billion when it is all said and done (actually it probably won't since the district will almost surely default, which makes me wonder, who buys these stupid bonds?).

Then there is this tidbit about free cellphones and cell service for low income folks to "bring them into the mainstream of society."

Then, they've plowed ahead with the nation's first cap-and-trade scheme that is already killing jobs in the state and demonstrating other problems.

Plus, they are still moving forward with the already insanely expensive and always increasingly costly high speed rail that will never pay for itself.

So, now the questions.  1) Is there ANY aspect of public policy and civic life that has not been grossly mismanaged in California?  2) Is there ANY doubt that California won't go bust in our lifetimes?

UPDATE:  Apparently, migration patterns such as the one noted above are something that the powers that be don't want you to know about.


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