Monday, November 19, 2012

More Dangerous Accountability Dodging

More of this despicable and destructive nonsense.  I already said that women and minorities that can't handle the standard mechanisms of accountability in a free society need to get out of responsible and powerful roles.  When you ask for, and are bestowed, power and privilege to wield on our behalf, you have to be up to the task and honest with us.  If you are not, you are not worthy and a potential danger to our society, so leave.  And if you are not prepared to do so going in, then don't ask us for power and privilege.

Ann Althouse, as well, sees the danger here, sufficient enough to cease to mince words:
If we were required to moderate our criticism of women in power, we would need to oppose having women in power in order to preserve our freedom as American citizens...
The suggestion — even implicit — that there is a requirement like this is offensive and retrograde.
That's deadly serious.  If we can't hold people accountable, we can't let them serve.  If they won't be held accountable on some illegitimate pretext - because they're girls, which we've been told for decades is illegitimate - they are a danger and must be actively kept from serving the public.


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