Friday, November 16, 2012

Francis Wilkinson (Me Neither) Is "Loopy"

Ugh.  More gibberish from the loons that Al Hunt has cobbled together into an editorial team over at Bloomberg News.  This time from a Francis Wilkinson (?) saying that we're going over the fiscal cliff, essentially because Michelle Bachmann is still in Congress.  Furthermore, he mocks economic growth as "magic" (in the bad sense, as in hocus-pocus).  Does this guy not realize that it is near universally accepted in the field of economics that growth, and usually growth alone, solves fiscal imbalances?  Doofus.  No more need be said.

Except this.  This is how this story's headline would appear on your Bloomberg terminal for those privileged enough to pay $2000 a month for one, "Loopy Republicans Will Send Us Over the Fiscal Cliff."  How's that for incisiveness?  Anyway, since we're operating on that plane, here's my retort:

"Loopy Democrats Will Bankrupt the Nation, Turn Us Into Greece."

UPDATE:  Last I checked Turbo Tax Timmy was a Democrat and courtesy of Wilkinson's boss, Al Hunt, we get word that Triple T advocates absolutely zero strictures, no limits whatsoever, on the amount of indebtedness that our government can rack up on our behalf.  If I didn't know any better, I'd think these characters have no intention to pay the debt back or are unaware that debts do indeed have to be paid back.  Both notions are downright "loopy".


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