Monday, August 20, 2012

Wow: Hillary Made Obama Get bin Laden ??

I thought this was the Clintonite coup de grace to bring the Lightworker down,
what if not only did HRC pass on the VP slot, but if she did it embarrassingly to Axelrod & Co.  Wouldn't that be more in keeping with my theory about the Clintons reclaiming the party from Obama's thug Chicago crowd?  Yes, I think it would.

How would she do that?  Well, she could wait until Uncle Joe made a few of his typical, bone-headed gaffes.  The Clinton machine could then get some of its friends in the MSM and in the blogosphere to kick start up a "swap HRC for Biden" meme, after which it is leaked that HRC has already told the Smartest President Ever, the Some Sort of a God, Lightworking Nobel Peace Prize Laureate..."Um, thanks but no thanks."
but this could top that
Barack Obama cancelled three operations to kill Osama bin Laden before finally going ahead with the mission at the insistence of Hillary Clinton, according to a new book.
The explosive allegation is contained in an expose by journalist Rich Miniter, who argues that the White House’s carefully-crafted narrative of Obama as a decisive leader who dispatched the al-Qaeda leader despite the doubts of advisers is a myth.
Actually, I think there is more of this to come...Bubba ain't messing around.


Blogger Suncraig said...

Yea you are getting scary accurate, did you see Newsspit?

2:38 PM  

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