Friday, August 17, 2012

Told Ya' So on "Romneycrats"

What did I say just two days ago about "Romneycrats"??

As if on cue...
Why not?

Almost all of my friends are Democrats; all of them voted for Barack Obama in 2008.
Ask them these days, as I have, if they plan to vote for Obama this November, and they’ll give you an “Oh shucks” sad smile, look down, look back up with guilty eyes and say “I’m disappointed.”
Then they play the party line and say. “But Romney? But Ryan?”

I’m not talking about those African Americans, Latinos and lockstep Democrats who’ll blindly vote for Obama no matter how high unemployment may be or what shape this country may be in.
I’m talking about a good number of intelligent, caring, middle-class Democrats who are a soft nudge away from casting their vote for Romney.

All they need to know is that they’re not alone.
With that last line, um,er, can someone say "preference cascade"?


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