Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Yes, Bubba Is THAT Good...Add Bowles to the Clintonite Death Squad

The Obama campaign's big early salvo against Romney was his career at Bain Capital.  That was crushed by a Clintonite, (many Clintonites actually, one actually named Clinton).

Next beachhead for a major Obama assault is Medicare, hoping to paint Paul Ryan as that mythical evil budget zeroing Republican.  That effort is running into major obstacles (or shortly will) at the hands of another figure who can reasonably be called a Clintonite.

Now, if only there was an influential Clintonite businessman attacking Obama for his miserably disastrous economic policy...oh wait...

What is it with all these Clintonites creating havoc for the Obama campaign?  Yeah, you better believe it, baby.  I'm waiting for the grande finale.  Just how will Bubba make his heroic appearance at the DNC as a putative white knight for Obama, somehow not work out for Obama?  The suspense I tell ya' !!


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