Friday, November 04, 2011

(Not My) Thoughts On Romney

While I thought I was in on most if not all meetings of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, it appears that I am not. Apparently, Mitt Romney was stumping in NYC and I wasn't invited (even after saying good things about him!). So I am unable to to give you the on-the-ground reporting that you've come to expect from me once every couple of years. Fortunately, Spengler was there in my absence and he got much the same impression I got from Herman Cain when I saw him recently in that very same Grand Hyatt ballroom. And Spengler is also ABBO, as I am, so his analysis resonates with me.

Further thoughts: I have always thought that the key attribute of a President ought to be the ability to bring into his sphere a vast array of the most qualified and serious people to guide the thinking on and approaches to issues. Romney has always had that in spades and stands head and shoulders above all the rest in that regard. The question mark was Romney's presentation and putative plasticity. I am glad to hear that Spengler thinks this is not a major concern. I also have posited that Romney is clearly the leader in assembling a campaign war chest to rival billion dollar Barack. And Romney's economic team is miles ahead of what his rivals have.

Don't get me wrong, I am not stumping for Romney. I'm just trying to make knowledge, dispassionate analysis here, and Romney is undeniably formidable in many important respects. That is pure analysis, nothing more. But, having said that, my sincerest desire and fervent plea, should Romney win the nomination, will be for all Romney doubters and those dubious of his true conservative convictions to put their reservations aside and make it a priority to get their asses to the polls and drag others' asses to the polls in November of 2012. ABBO baby. ABBO.


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