Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More Authoritarian Mask Slippage from the Left

There are deeply profound arguments, both fundamental and more nuanced, and centuries of human experience with political systems and structures that can be marshaled against this proposition. And I am sure that some folks somewhere will make those arguments and recount the historical record, but I am not going to be that person. Instead, I am going to go straight to the mockery phase, the richly deserved mockery phase that this moron of an elected official has invited based on her ludicrous proposition.

I have an alternate proposition for Governor Dumbass. How about we suspend, perhaps, tax payments for a couple of years. Don't hold it against me, I will, after all, be focusing on the economy and helping myself to recover from the past several years. Furthermore, I will help elected officials get past all the partisan bickering in Washington DC over how to spend my money, because I'll just keep it and they can focus on less contentious matters like naming buildings and declaring holidays.

I know you weren't kidding Governor. Nor am I. No elections, no tax payments. Molon labe.


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