Giants Cruz Over Beagles!
It has been my custom to award game balls to a worthy member of Big Blue for every Giant victory by placing a picture of the honored recipient next to a talismanic politician or official making news or affecting the public debate in a positive light. Past talismans have been Sen. Tom Coburn, CBO Chairman Doug Ellmendorf, and Governor Chris Christie. I had a hard time deciding who would carry the mantle of being the game ball trophy this year, so much so that I failed to award the game ball last week for the win against the St. Louis Lambs, also partly because there was very little honor in that victory. Yesterday was a different story, as there was much honor in the win against the hated Beagles of Philadelphia. Perry Fewell's Big Blue Defense resumed its habit of debilitating opposing quarterbacks and the offense obliged by putting sufficient points on the board - half those points the sole responsibility of unknown fill-in receiver Victor Cruz, whose two amazing TD plays defied any and all conventional wisdom and expectations. Furthermore a suitable talisman has conveniently emerged as if on cue. So congratulations #80, take your spot next to The Hermanator!

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