Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More Evidence of Clintonism Burying Obamaism

A small, but telling confirmation of my "Clintonite Resorgimento" theory.

Companies like IAC keep one or two slots on their Board of Directors for people connected to the halls of political power. They need to be one or two phone calls away from a high-octane mover and shaker in government and they need to have their interests and concerns talked about over dinner regularly among a certain crowd.

So which Obama-loyalist did IAC give that slot to?

Um, er...Chelsea Clinton? Huh?

Exactly. IAC is betting (or knows) that the key players in the Democratic Party of the future will be Clintonites and not Obamabots. All part of the subtle re-establishment of Clinton hegemony within the Democratic party, which by definition involves the marginalization of Hopenchange.


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