Friday, April 01, 2011

History's Greatest Mystery Easily Explained

Given Obama's standing as the archetype anti-war global political leader (leader as in someone who occupies an office that denotes leadership, not someone who actually can and does "lead"), his history of pandering to Muslim sensibilities, and his overt disdain for American power, pundits and citizens alike are scratching their heads over how events in Libya could have come to pass. How could the anti-Bush, who promised to lead us to the milk and honey land of Anti-Bushism, just up and start bombing a Muslim, oil-producing country with not much of a plan? It is simple. Obama is a foreign policy President now and he's got to go where the action is. His domestic agenda is dead and as all leaders, who's domestic agenda has died, do, he's turning to foreign policy. (Case in point, what was the very first thing he did after getting "shellacked" last November? Gin up some half-baked treaty with a two-bit world power.) Otherwise, you're just the guy flying Air Force One to fundraisers. Now the action happens to be in the Middle East. Great, historical events are happening and a man who fancies himself a great historical event simply cannot shy away. So, why not lead a diplomatic effort the likes of which the world has never seen? Well, when the Ivory Coast has already told you mind your own damn business, you've got to make a bit more of splash. Tomahawk missiles make a splash. Like the Kings and Queens of old, Obama feels he must wage war to be at the center of events and demonstrate to his subjects his continual relevance. There you have it folks - mystery solved. You may not think this analysis is terribly sophisticated, but what it lacks in sophistication it makes up for by being 110% correct.


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