Monday, February 08, 2010

When He Hears 38%, He Doesn't Think 62%, He Thinks, Well, 38%

The well-regarded former CEO of my former employer once said in a speech to us peons, "We have 72% market share. That's nice, but when I hear 72%, I immediately think 28%." Seems Obama got this one reversed. When presented with his numbers, he didn't reflexively focus on the opportunity set, he seems to have tried to alienate what numbers he did have in his corner.

The President's published poll numbers on "handling the deficit" were 38% back in September and yet he still put out this budget?!?! It's official, the guy doesn't care; which is to say that he doesn't care about you if you don't agree with him. It's full speed ahead to a transformed America as per his unabashedly lefty vision or die tryin'.

In a way it's kinda refreshing to see such indifference to the polls. With Bush, it was win the Iraq War come hell or high water, with Big O, it's create a cradle to grave entitlement state come hell or high water. Problem is I don't want to live in a cradle to grave entitlement state, so that "refreshing" bit wears off in about a nano-second.


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