Friday, February 05, 2010

Forward to the Past!!

The academy has done its job well. A majority of Democrats and an overwhelming majority of liberals view Socialism positively. In an ironic note to this data release, Russian and Polish officials are getting together just now to memorialize and apologize (the Russians are apologizing) for one of Socialism's relatively minor atrocities, which is a fitting example of how Socialism always ends, in death. Yet I would wager that a similar numerical majority of professors working in the modern American university probably think that Stalin was a swell guy. My neighbor's kid came back from college and recounted a course and a professor that attempted to leave just that impression. The kid of course had never heard of the Katyn Forest, a piker of an atrocity among Stalin's total handiwork. In a further irony, what these progressive liberals don't know is that in Socialist/Communist systems, guess who gets marched off to the gas chamber or the killing fields first? Yeah, that's right...intellectuals. Sure the leaders of socialist movements are "educated" too (in a sense) but are usually sociopathic on top of it, so unless you are part of the power-mad, sociopathic, educated vanguard willing to murder en masse to further the revolution, well, you're toast. Pol Pot slaughtered folks that wore eye-glasses, as it was a rough proxy for membership in an educated class that just may cry foul over the depradations of "the revolution." If we ever had a Stalinesque political leader here in the US, you can be pretty sure that the busiest killing fields would be located on the outskirts of places like Cambridge, Madison, Berkeley, New Haven, and Chapel Hill. These glaring blindnesses or misunderstandings of history is why history gets repeated and why the same tragedies befall the human race over and over. Further evidence that "educated" doesn't mean "smart" and "intellectual" doesn't mean "intelligent".

If disdain for socialism is far right, welcome the label and relish in it. History is on your side. Morality is on your side.

Recommended reading for this depressingly large number of Democrats and liberals.


Blogger Donny Baseball said...

What can I say to that?

9:39 PM  

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