Thursday, February 04, 2010

Has An Athlete Ever Acted So Badly?

Athletes can do alot of things without much social approbation...commit adultery with a small army of women, gamble away millions, frequent strip clubs, pull guns on each other in practice, take illegal drugs, beat their wives, even have dogs fight to the death. But man alive, if you really want to get people worked up into a serious lather, broadcast a commercial on TV that argues your mother was perhaps, just perhaps, courageous and noble to take you to term and give birth to you in the face of adversity (and against the advice of the world renown, crackerjack Filipino healthcare industry in the golden age of medicine that was the 1970s no less). Yeah, that is some seriously sinister and evil stuff. Who the fuck does this Tebow guy think he is? What message is he sending to our youth?

OK, lest you think I am brilliant and a leading light of social commentary in America today, I have to admit that the above is not at all my analysis. I ripped it off. From here. Click and watch it all.

Note to readers: Ignore everything I say here, because I am a PRO-LIFE ZEALOT! (If Glenn Reynolds can be a "conservative blogger", then, heck, I guess I can be a pro-life zealot. This is kinda my version of "happily married gay couples with a house full of semi-automatic weapons". Does. Not. Compute. To. Liberal/progressive. Cranium. Head about to explode...3...2...1...splat!


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